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Pamela Mondragon
Nov 03, 2021
In Main Forum
Hi! My name is Pamela Mondragon. I am a Psychology student and a mental health research professional. I also run the IG page @createyourwellbeing, where I share evidence-based strategies to prioritize our wellbeing using tools from psychology and the science of happiness. Today I am sharing with you 4 tips to be productive while taking care of your energy. Healthy productivity involves being present and aware of our mental, emotional and physical wellbeing when we study. When we take care of our energy levels and listen to how we feel, we can face challenges more effectively and enjoy more our study time. Tip #1 : Be mindful of your workspace Be aware of the impact of your environment on your productivity. Do you like to work in a silent environment or do you prefer an environment with music? Is it necessary for you to have a very organized space? It's about finding what works best for you. Tip #2: Practice single-tasking It may be tempting to multitask when we have many things to do in a short period of time. However, studies show that our brains are not that good at handling many tasks at once. Doing one task at a time allows us to be calmer, more focused and ultimately more productive. Tip #3: Take active breaks As students, we often spend a large part of the day sitting in front of the computer. One way to incorporate physical activity into your day is to take active breaks. For example, after every hour of study time you can take some deep breaths and stretch, move around the room, or walk outside. Tip #4: Cultivate self-compassion Instead of criticizing yourself when you make a mistake or procrastinate, practice self-compassion. You can do this by talking to yourself with the support and kindness that you would bring to your best friend in that situation. I hope these tips are helpful to you. I wish you all the best in your studies! 💛 Pamela #StudentLifeTips
4 Healthy Productivity tips that I have learned during my studies content media

Pamela Mondragon

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